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TLD Existence Checker

This service uses IANA Top-Level Domain(TLD) list to detect TLD exists or not from the provided input. This tool supports all languages TLD's and its punycode. For more details may visit the website: https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt
Please visit this link for TLD's and its type: https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db
*टिप्पणी: The domains of type 'unassigned' are treated as 'does not exist'
Input TLD's Example:
android - valid
.android - valid
example.android - valid
example.androids - invalid
https://amrut.android - valid
https://amrut.android/demo.html - invalid

*टिप्पणी: This utility is using the list of TLD published here